White House Disability Group Conference Call 3/31

Parents, you have a very nice resource coming next week.  Put this on calendar and don’t miss it.  I can’t say it better than the White House can, so here is the introduction to what you’ll find on the Disability Blog at http://blog.govdelivery.com/usodep/.

“In order to keep Americans with disabilities and other interested parties informed about the Obama Administration’s disability-related efforts, the White House Disability Group is hosting monthly calls to provide updates on issues such as key political appointments, employment, civil rights, health care and transportation, as well as introduce staff who work on disability issues in the federal government.

The next call will be held on Thursday, March 31 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time. It will feature remarks from U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, and include introductions to other Obama Administration personnel.

Details for the call are as follows:”

Now go here for the rest.  http://blog.govdelivery.com/usodep/

This is a resource that will allow you to be in the know in a way you probably haven’t thought of.  Share this blog URL with your friends and schools so they can join us!

Go down just a little further in that message for the link to sfueuerstein and sign up for the email distribution list.  Go to Washington without leaving home!